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From Drooling to Fussiness: How to Manage Common Teething Symptoms

From Drooling to Fussiness: How to Manage Common Teething Symptoms

From Drooling to Fussiness: How to Manage Common Teething Symptoms

Ah, teething – that milestone in a baby's life that parents both anticipate and dread. It's a sign that your little one is growing, but it often comes with a host of common teething symptoms that can make both baby and parent a bit miserable. Fear not, though! In this blog post, we'll explore some tried-and-true tips and tricks to help you manage those common teething symptoms and keep everyone smiling through this challenging phase.

Understanding the Teething Process

Before we dive into managing teething symptoms, let's take a quick look at what's happening inside your baby's mouth. Teething typically begins around six months, although it can start earlier or later. During this time, your baby's first set of teeth, also known as baby teeth, begin to push through the gums. This process can be uncomfortable and is accompanied by a range of symptoms.

Drooling, Drooling, and More Drooling

One of the most visible and common teething symptoms is excessive drooling. You'll find your baby's clothes soaked, their chin wet, and maybe even a little puddle forming wherever they go. It's not the most glamorous aspect of parenting, but it's entirely normal. To manage the drool:

  • Bib It Up: Invest in some cute, absorbent bibs. Not only will they keep your baby's clothes dry, but they can also be a fashion statement!
  • Gentle Wiping: Use a soft, damp cloth to gently wipe your baby's chin throughout the day. This prevents skin irritation and keeps them comfortable.
  • Teething Toys: Provide your baby with teething toys like Jet by the Clever Baby to encourage them to chew. Chewing helps stimulate saliva production, which can reduce drooling.

Fussiness and Irritability

Teething can make your little angel seem like a completely different baby – cranky, irritable, and difficult to soothe. The discomfort from their emerging teeth can lead to fussiness and restlessness. Here's how to handle it:

  • Cold Compress: A chilled Jet by The Clever Baby or a clean, damp washcloth placed in the freezer for a few minutes can provide much-needed relief to sore gums.
  • Gentle Massage: Use a clean finger to gently massage your baby's gums. The pressure can alleviate some of the discomfort.
  • Cuddles and Comfort: Sometimes, all your baby needs is some extra snuggles and attention. Comforting them with your presence can go a long way in soothing their irritability.

Sleep Troubles

Teething can disrupt your baby's sleep routine, leading to more sleepless nights for you. To help your little one get the rest they need:

  • Pain Relief: Consult your pediatrician about using infant pain relief medication, such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Ensure you follow the recommended dosage instructions.
  • Bedtime Routine: Stick to a consistent bedtime routine to signal to your baby that it's time to sleep. This can help minimize disruptions caused by teething discomfort.
  • Comfortable Environment: Ensure your baby's sleep environment is comfortable. Maintain a cool room temperature, use a humidifier if needed, and ensure your baby is dressed appropriately for the weather.

Loss of Appetite

When those little teeth start poking through, some babies may experience a temporary loss of appetite. This can be worrisome for parents, but it's typically nothing to be overly concerned about. To keep your baby nourished during this phase:

  • Soft Foods: Offer soft and cool foods like yogurt, applesauce, and mashed bananas. These can be soothing on sore gums and provide nutrition.
  • Breastfeeding or Formula: Continue breastfeeding or bottle-feeding as usual. The sucking action can provide comfort to your baby.
  • Fluids: Ensure your baby stays well-hydrated. Offer water between feeds to prevent dehydration.

Keeping it Clean

Teething babies tend to put everything in their mouths, which means germs can easily find their way in. Here's how to keep things clean and safe:

  • Regular Cleaning: Clean your baby's teething toys and pacifiers regularly. Use warm, soapy water and rinse thoroughly.
  • Hand Hygiene: Maintain good hand hygiene for yourself and anyone handling your baby. This reduces the risk of transferring germs.
  • Avoid Sharing: While it's tempting to share utensils or soothers with your baby, it's best to avoid this during the teething phase to prevent the spread of germs.

Teething can be a challenging phase for both babies and parents, but it's a necessary part of your child's development. With the right strategies, you can manage the common teething symptoms and help your baby sail through this milestone with as much comfort and happiness as possible.

Remember, every baby is unique, so what works for one may not work for another. Be patient, stay flexible, and trust your instincts as a parent. Soon enough, those adorable little teeth will make their appearance, and you'll be on to the next exciting chapter in your baby's growth journey. In the meantime, embrace the drool and cherish those extra cuddles.

 Need more teething tips? Check out our other blog post here.

Tricia Meyer is a serial entrepreneur, business lawyer and mom of 6! Tricia is the Co-Founder at The Clever Baby. The Clever Baby recently launched its first product Jet - a patented, innovative teether and dispenser all-in-one, and is committed to developing clever products for parents and creating magical moments for babies and kids. Tricia has been featured in many publications including Inc., Crain’s, Chicago Tribune, NBC Chicago, American Express OPEN Forum, and more! Tricia has also received 30+ awards over the course of her career including being recognized by Crain’s Chicago as one of the most influential lawyers in Chicago and by Forbes on the Next1000 list! Learn more about The Clever Baby at www.thecleverbaby.com.
