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Baby Developmental Milestones: 3 to 6 months

Baby Developmental Milestones: 3 to 6 months

Baby Developmental Milestones: 3 to 6 months

During the first six months of life, your baby will undergo rapid physical, cognitive, and social development. Here is a breakdown of what you can expect from your baby during this time period:

3 Months:

  • Your baby will be able to lift their head and chest while lying on their stomach. This is an important milestone as it helps to strengthen their neck muscles and prepare them for more advanced movements.
  • They will start to reach for and grab objects with their hands. This is a sign of their increasing hand-eye coordination and is a crucial step towards more independent play.
  • They will also start to make cooing noises and will be more responsive to your voice and facial expressions. This is an important social milestone as it shows that your baby is beginning to engage with the world around them and recognize familiar people.

4 Months:

  • Your baby will be able to roll over from their stomach to their back. This is a major milestone as it requires a combination of strength, coordination, and balance.
  • They will start to bring their hands to their mouth and will also start to play with their toes. This is a sign that your baby is starting to explore their body and learn about their senses.
  • They will also start to babble and make more complex sounds. Babbling is an important step towards language development as it helps your baby to practice making different sounds and experiment with different combinations of syllables.

5 Months:

  • Your baby will be able to sit upright with support. Sitting upright helps to strengthen your baby's back and abdominal muscles and also gives them a better view of the world around them.
  • They will start to transfer objects from one hand to the other. This is a sign of their increasing dexterity and hand-eye coordination.
  • They will also be more responsive to sounds and may turn their head towards familiar voices. This is an important social milestone as it shows that your baby is able to recognize and respond to the voices of people they know.

6 Months:

  • Your baby will be able to sit upright on their own. This is a major milestone as it requires a significant amount of strength and balance. Sitting upright also allows your baby to reach and explore their environment more easily.
  • They will start to crawl or scoot around on their stomach. Crawling is an important milestone as it helps your baby to develop their muscles and coordination, and also gives them a sense of independence and exploration.
  • They will also start to show an interest in solid foods and may start to eat pureed foods. This is an important milestone as it marks the beginning of your baby's journey towards a more varied diet. Try feeding your baby with Jet by The Clever Baby. More nutrients end up in baby’s mouth and less mess! You can also track how much your baby is eating and chill the teether for baby to play with after eating!

It's important to remember that all babies develop at their own pace and may not reach these milestones at exactly the same time. If you have any concerns about your baby's development, it's always a good idea to consult with your pediatrician.

Curious to know what milestones your baby will hit next? Check out our blog Baby Developmental Milestones: 6 to 9 months. 

Tricia Meyer is a serial entrepreneur, business lawyer and mom of 6! Tricia is the Co-Founder at The Clever Baby. The Clever Baby recently launched its first product Jet - a patented, innovative teether and dispenser all-in-one, and is committed to developing clever products for parents and creating magical moments for babies and kids. Tricia has been featured in many publications including Inc., Crain’s, Chicago Tribune, NBC Chicago, American Express OPEN Forum, and more! Tricia has also received 30+ awards over the course of her career including being recognized by Crain’s Chicago as one of the most influential lawyers in Chicago and by Forbes on the Next1000 list! Learn more about The Clever Baby at
