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Baby Developmental Milestones: 6 to 9 months

Baby Developmental Milestones: 6 to 9 months

Baby Developmental Milestones: 6 to 9 months

From 6 to 9 months, your little one will go through a lot of changes and reach several milestones. Here are some things you can expect during this stage:

6 Months:

  • Your baby will be able to sit up on their own for short periods of time. They may still need support when sitting, but they should be able to stay upright without falling over.
  • They will start to use their hands to explore their environment. Your baby may start picking up small objects, such as toys or bits of food, and bringing them to their mouth.
  • Your baby will start to babble and make sounds other than crying. They may repeat sounds like "ba" or "da" and may even say their first word around this age.
  • Your baby will start to show more interest in social interaction. They may smile at you and respond to your voice and facial expressions.

7-8 Months:

  • Your baby will continue to improve their sitting skills and may even be able to crawl or scoot around on their stomach.
  • They will start to use their hands to play with toys and may even be able to transfer an object from one hand to the other.
  • Your baby will start to understand simple commands like "no" or "wave goodbye." They may also respond to their own name when called.
  • Your baby will become more expressive and may show a range of emotions, such as happiness, frustration, or sadness.

9 Months:

  • Your baby will be able to crawl or scoot around on their stomach and may even be able to pull themselves up to a standing position.
  • They will start to show more curiosity about their environment and may start to explore by reaching for and playing with objects.
  • Your baby will start to use their hands to explore their own body and may try to put things in their mouth as a way of learning about them. Teething toys like Jet by The Clever Baby will provide relief and fun for your baby!
  • They will continue to improve their communication skills and may say their first words or use simple gestures like waving or clapping.

Every baby is different, so don't worry if your child isn't exactly on track with these milestones. If you have any concerns about your baby's development, it's always a good idea to talk to your pediatrician.

Tricia Meyer is a serial entrepreneur, business lawyer and mom of 6! Tricia is the Co-Founder at The Clever Baby. The Clever Baby recently launched its first product Jet - a patented, innovative teether and dispenser all-in-one, and is committed to developing clever products for parents and creating magical moments for babies and kids. Tricia has been featured in many publications including Inc., Crain’s, Chicago Tribune, NBC Chicago, American Express OPEN Forum, and more! Tricia has also received 30+ awards over the course of her career including being recognized by Crain’s Chicago as one of the most influential lawyers in Chicago and by Forbes on the Next1000 list! Learn more about The Clever Baby at
